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Miss 125th Laconia and Jr. Miss 125th Laconia Scholarship Pageant Reminder

Jared Guilmett

Updated: Sep 30, 2021

LACONIA, N.H. - Celebrate Laconia would like to remind all Laconia Middle School and Laconia High School girls interested in participating in the Miss 125th and Jr. Miss 125th scholarship pageant that applications are due Sunday, November 26. Civic-minded girls with leadership skills that would like to represent the city of Laconia next year during its 125th Anniversary should apply. Participants will be expected to represent Laconia during various events throughout 2018. This is an opportunity to be a part of the city’s history.

Applications are available at the Laconia Middle School and Laconia High School guidance offices as well as on Celebrate Laconia’s website: Any questions please contact Pam Clark at 603-387-1285.

Celebrate Laconia is a nonprofit, civic organization whose mission is to celebrate the past, present and future of the City of Laconia; to promote vitality throughout the entire community by coordinating citizens, public officials, civic and non-profit organizations, and private businesses; to encourage cultural and economic development; and to develop a framework for the future of the city. Any individual, business or organization interested in partnering with Celebrate Laconia, is encouraged to contact the group at for opportunities.

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